Dandelion Summer

It’s been sort of a dandelion kind of summer. I got into harvesting these beautifully long stems in June. I was a bit obsessed with foraging. I like making things from free stuff! I had no idea how this was all going to turn out. With a little help from @foragedfibres I learned how to dry and prepare the stems for cord weaving.

Dandelions are admired because they thrive in challenging conditions, even pushing through concrete sidewalks. This resilience has made them a powerful symbol of strength, determination, and the ability to overcome adversity. They are a symbol of our inner strength and perseverance through life’s challenges.

The aroma is lovely. The sheen is still visible with beautiful limes, tans, greens, mauves and yellows peaking through. It is fairly strong and pliable. Naturally thicker and thinner in some places.

The fragrance is gorgeous. Such a side benefit.

I have a 100 year old grade school reader laying around and to my amazement it contained a story about dandelions. And also this poem by Emma Payne Erskine.

The Dandelion
O Dandelion, yellow as gold,
What so you do all day?
I just wait here in the long green grass
Till the children come to play.

O Dandelion, yellow as gold,
What do you do all night?
I wait and wait while the cool dew falls,
And my hair grows long and white.

And what do you do when your hair grows white,
And the children come to play?
They pick me up in their dimpled hands,
And blow my hair away.

Oh, bright all day in the grass, like stars,
And fit for a chain of gold,
The children laugh when they see him smile,
But they love him best when he’s old.

I’m now officially addicted to cordage making.

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