The Beauty of Decay

Such subtle variations in purples in this dying tulip. It was a bright purple in full bloom. Now I appreciate it because of its ability to still offer beauty even in its decomposing.

How does my aging life offer beauty? It’s in the aging that the nuances appear. That the in-your-face boldness of youth and middle age releases into a gentle display of harmonics, a range of hues, a melding of dualistic thinking into living with paradox.

4 thoughts on “The Beauty of Decay

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  1. beautifully written, Evelyn, and I agree. Of course, it was our generation that started the youth centred culture and so we are beholden to reignite respect and appreciation for ageing generations. And that starts with self talk.

    I still can’t post comments on your blog even though I have created a profile for myself, etc. on WordPress anyway thank you for the beautiful photos and thoughts.

  2. This post asked me to understand the falseness of perfection. Perfection is an illusion… the unfolding …… the glorious stand we all make by being present in any form is the goal….

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